
Each color of roses carries distinct cultural connotations. White roses symbolize purity and innocence, while yellow roses convey feelings of friendship and joy. By artfully combining a bouquet featuring white roses, which signify purity, with a central yellow rose representing friendship and joy, you convey a heartfelt message that beautifully encapsulates both love and gratitude towards your loved ones.
AED 500.00
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  • In cases where an ordered product is unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, THE FLOWER SHOP holds the right to refund the cost of the product or propose an alternate solution such as resending a similar product or providing a different product within the same price range.
  • Upon approval of a refund, replacement, or any other resolution, we aim to implement this within a period of 1-14 working days.
  • It's important to note that all refunds will be returned via the original payment method used.
  • For further queries or clarifications, feel free to contact us at flowershop@palazzoversace.ae.